Friday, August 26, 2011

Riot in UK

We were impressed by stories related from our English teachers about true behaviour of an Englishman. How a true gentlemen hailed from the cultured British Empire and good upbringing shall be. Recently, there happened in the nation of gentlemen incidences of riot- even resulted in several mob attach and deaths!

What has gone wrong? Supposed gentlemen are all morphed into barbarian?

After much deliberation by the British authorities; it is about the situation of the Y- generation.
One of the changes that the British society has gone through and experienced by the so called Y- generations-a high percentage of this generation come from families that are dysfunctional.They have experienced some forms of negligence in their early upbringing.

The dysfunctional family comes in many manifestations. Single parent, both parents are not giving due disciplining or transmitting values to the children. Some implied the norm of family has gone wrong. Traditionally children are raised within a family. Nowadays, a baby could be born and abandoned by the biological mother. A child might experience complex changes in the family structure due to divorces and remarriages. The old fashioned " til death shall we part" no longer holds!

The fact that these Y- generation youngster are abandoned/ orphaned in the cyberspace has imbued them with the amazed power of IT. Hence they are really very savvy at it. The spread of riot through many localities is helped by the borderless cyberspace!

On one hand, we could ponder on how to bring our children up with proper values and constant vigilance, on the other hand if and only if cyberspace is used to spread goodwill; justice and peace shall prevail....truly pacem in terris

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